The National Park Service is studying the prospect of extending the Mt. Vernon Trail north from its current terminus at Roosevelt Island all the way to the American Legion Bridge. At some point later, a connection would be built across the Bridge to Maryland. At this point they've only completed a Feasibility Study but this has identified some limitations created by the Parkway, the Potomac, the steep topography and limited right-of-way - all of which force the trail onto county streets for much of the way. Oh yeah, and the CIA headquarters is right in the way - and you know how they love visitors. NPS next has to decide whether or not to go forward with the project and if so, with which of the feasible alternatives to go. WABA has been pursing this project for years. All in all it's a good project, but it won't be as nice as the Mt. Vernon Trail segments that already exist.
Congrats on making DC Blogs today!! I told you they'd pick it up ASAP. Love the blog set-up too.
Posted by: Kathryn | October 17, 2005 at 10:48 AM