OK, so technically the trail that will go under I-395 is going to be the Four Mile Run Trail, but since the two are parallel and end in Shirlington about a block from one another, it's the same difference. (Pictured: The pedestrian bridge over I-395 from Shirlington to Martha Custis Drive)
Here's the status as I heard it. Arlington County Transportation officials are done with the "County/State agreement." They have the environmental assessment (EIS) done and the right-of-way secure. Now they need a permit from VDOT, annother agreement with the state about funding and a final design.
The project, which they plan to do in conjunction with a sewar line improvement to save money, is estimated to cost about $2 million - but they won't know until they have a final design. They only have $1million specifically available, but they can get more money from something called "Federal Secondary Funds."
Secondary Road Funds Each year Arlington County is allocated money (including some federal funds) to maintain and build secondary roads in the County. Arlington County and Henrico Counties are the only two counties in the State to receive these funds directly from the state. Since VDOT maintains secondary roads in other counties, these funds stay with VDOT in these counties. Arlington County has assembled an escrow account of federal secondary funds at VDOT which can be used for highway building and reconstruction.
Anyway this all means that they hope to have a bid package done by May or June. Then they could begin construction by the end of summer. Construction would take 8-10 months. So the whole thing could be done (if all goes well) by June of 2007. Wow.
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