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I just discovered the next section of the WB&A earlier this week. Had a similar experience - parked at Race Track Rd and just happened to go north to see what it looked like - and was surprised to find that the trail goes to the river. There was no closed gate there on Wed. morning, but there were some maintainance activities going on inside the WSSC facility.

I took a drive down Patuxent Rd later, and found where the corridor crosses. An interesting set of signs can be seen if one looks to the north at that point - one identifies the land as A.A. County Park land, and another identifies it as private property. The two signs are right next to each other.

Here's an ACME Mapper map of the AA segment of the WB&A trail as of 2008-august


The south-most segment is gravel, and I did not see any "no trespassing" signs until I got to the gravel mining pit across the street from the lowest point.

All of the points on the map have comments, just click on them.

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