I didn't go to the meeting so I can provide little beyond the official notes below.
Bicycle Parking Requirements for Private Development: Transportation Commissioners are concerned about bike parking within 50 feet of an entrance.
Plans for residential units are now required to include
one rack for every 3 units instead of the previous one for every 10 units.
Requirements for visitor bike parking at retail sites have also been doubled.
Hotels were discussed but nobody knew the County requirements for hotels.
Locations for New Bike Racks: The
County has 30 racks for installation. However, these are the new style racks
and must be placed in concrete. Old racks (not adequate for County
requirements) have been removed from Shirlington by Federal Realty, but have
only been replaced by 2 U racks. More racks are needed there, however, there
are plenty of rails in Shirlington adjacent to the sidewalks where bikes can be
locked. Racks were requested at the Caboose and
Ballston Bike
I-66 Spot Improvements: The meeting
maps only showed the existing situation on I-66. The County does not have
drawings of the proposed widening. The State Transportation Board is moving
ahead with the three areas which will be widened. VDOT has said the Custis
Trail will not be impacted. There will be another public meeting late this
summer. In the opinion of most BAC members, the last meeting was a joke. VDOT
is also supposed to do a multimodal transportation study for the area.
Update on Transportation Enhancement
Projects: Three projects were approved.
They are:
1. The Arlington Blvd. Trail Extension Study.
2. Meade St./Arlington Blvd. Study which would improve
access to
3. Metro bike parking improvements. The agreements have been sent to VDOT for approval.
(A fourth project included is for bike/pedestrian education programs).
There is also another tentative project for a bridge over
Four Mile Run at
Bicycle Friendly Community Reapplication (LAB): Paul DeMaio will take lead on the reapplication. It’s required every two years. There appears to be a definite increase in the number of commuters which should be documented.
County Board Ride: The consensus was that it should be in early fall. Items for
consideration for the ride include: Metro bike parking,
Recap of Arlington/Alexandria Community
Bike Ride: There were approximately 650 people registered for the ride. There
was concern that the number of participants was two low and a discussion
continued on this issue. It was felt that WABA sent the notices too late and
this should be improved next year. Also, further research is needed on what
would be the best date. In addition, the members thought that putting a banner
up advertising the event a few weeks prior to the event was a good idea. Further
research is needed as to where the County allows banners and other details. Overall
it was thought the event went off rather well despite the rain. Police coverage
was very good and route was well marked. WABA supplied sufficient
volunteers. However, we may want to consider a new start/finish area since
there were complaints about the cooperation from the management office for Shirlington Village (Federal Realty).
Crystal City was suggested as an alternative. Some members thought the start/finish line should be moved every year to a different location if possible. This will also be researched further.
Updates on County and Other Projects:
Trail Issues:
W&OD Trail: Dominion Power will begin extensive work along the trail cutting back trees and brush. This is done on a three year cycle. The contact is Kathy McDaniel at 804-25-4904. The bridge near the Caboose needs work again. The County has ordered collapsible bollards to replace the steel bollards for all trails.
Four Mile Run Trail: Work on the Barcoft area trail has been completed except for the bridges. The one bridge destroyed by last year’s storm is being replaced. There is no timetable on the other bridge.
Important County Plans and Studies:
Crystal City study underway on transportation
and bike element. How will bikes fit in with a bus way or light rail? They
would like to use
The County is starting a similar study of Rosslyn.
There is some consideration to making
Shirlington Underpass: County will be opening bids beginning this Thursday. Cost is estimated to be $5 million including the sewer work.
County Board approval is scheduled for July 7.
Arlington Blvd. Trail Extension: Study agreement signed by County and awaiting VDOT agreement.
GW Parkway Trail Overpass: Environmental Assessment underway in conjunction with Gravely Point and North Tract areas.
Washington Blvd.Trail from Arlington Blvd. to Walter Reed (Phase I): Design completed and construction scheduled for this Summer or Fall.
Washington Blvd.Trail from Walter Reed Dr to S. Rolfe St. (Phase II): Additional funding needed for construction. Application for State Revenue sharing is currently under review.
Route 110 trail, Memorial Dr.
to the Pentagon: Survey completed and design is underway.
S. Glebe Rd.
And W. Glebe Rd.
Pedestrian Improvements: Design is underway and being reviewed by VDOT.
Velodrome in Arlington: Members suggested using abandoned bridges in South Potomac Yards. (Probably not feasible)
Cool site. Thank you!!!
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Posted by: order acomplia online | August 15, 2007 at 12:49 PM