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Awesome. Rep. Patrick McHenry wins my tool of the month award BTW.

"Tool" is putting it lightly. The guy sounds like he's channeling Rush Limbaugh.

I posted my own comments on McHenry here:

its about time ...the feds have way too much of a suburban oriented workforce in DC- and they basically totally ignore the needs of bicycle commuters. Where I work they actually took away the one bike rack for my building- and the same month had the NERVE to declare it "Environmental awareness Month" and emphasized re-cycling, turning off lights when you leave the room, etc...all of this and they heavily encourage car/SUV commuting by providing special buses to carry those who do not wish to walk to distant parking lots- how much do these buses cost? 100 K a pop....Subsidized parking should be eliminated and tax benefits for those who live closest to their jobs should be put into effect.The present Metrocheck system is at odds with common sense- the farther out you live- the more $$$ you get on your subway -smart card every month. This is a de-facto subsidy of suburbia- and if anything- people who live close to work should be rewarded MORE. Even if they made the subsidy the same for everyone- I would not complain.

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